Ahh, family photographs with toddlers and preschoolers. Is there anything more stressful for parents? HA. Oy. I really enjoy family sessions with young kids. They’re high energy, unpredictable and fun. They keep me on my toes and present a challenge with a delicious pay off; Getting Mom and Dad a family photo where everyone is looking at the camera smiling. Sometimes it happens on it’s own, and sometimes some photoshop magic is involved. This featured image is actually a composite of three different images from the Vroman’s session. One image where the grown-ups are dutifully looking at the camera, one where sweet Liam is looking at the camera, and one where Claire is looking at the camera with that ridiculously cheeky and adorable smile. Mix them all together and voila! Enjoy a few of my favorites from this fun session at the Liriodendron Mansion in Bel Air, MD.